About the Presenter, Nicholas Anastasi

Nicholas Anastasi started his career in cybersecurity at Sprocket and hasn't looked back. Continuous Penetration Testing is all he knows and during his day to day he leads the penetration testing team, writes a ton of Python and works tirelessly to improve the CPT process. In his free time, Nicholas enjoys running, eating too much candy and developing on his home lab. Nicholas and the rest of the team are dedicated to making sure our clients continuously maintain a strong security posture. If you are interested in talking with Nicholas about our services, reach out today! A lover of the outdoors, Will finds joy in running, surfing, and fitness. Just as in professional life, Will approaches these hobbies with enthusiasm and a perpetual learner’s mindset, embodying the belief of always being a student, never a master.

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This webinar was recorded on 10/31/2023.