Brad Miller, VP Information Technology, and Scott St. Peter, IT Infrastructure Manager, at Farmers Alliance Mutual Insurance share their experience using Continuous Penetration Testing with Sprocket Security.

"One of the main goals of an insurance company is to help customers, transfer or avoid or mitigate risk. In partnering with Sprocket, I feel like Sprocket helps insurance companies like us do the same thing."
—Scott St. Peter, IT Infrastructure Manager, of Farmers Alliance Mutual Insurance

Scott continues to talk about his experience working with the Sprocket team.

"Working with the testing team has been, a really pleasant and valuable experience. [...] very knowledgeable group of individuals. They each seem to have a unique skill set to where we don't always have the same tester. The testers have always been very responsive to questions on the portal, to providing information. They seem easy to get ahold of. We feel like the testers also are very personable. So where you can easily have a conversation with them."
Scott St. Peter, IT Infrastructure Manager, of Farmers Alliance Mutual Insurance

Farmers Alliance Mutual Insurance works with Sprocket Security through Continuous Penetration Testing to improve their security posture and enhance their penetration testing efforts

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