Scott Noles, VP Information Security Officer, of Citizens Bank shares his experience working on the Sprocket Platform with our expert testing team to secure their financial assets.

"Really, the best thing about Sprocket Security and the thing that keeps us coming back year after year is the people involved."
—Scott Noles, VP Information Security Officer, of Citizens Bank

Citizens Bank has stated their need to identify exploits and collaborate to resolve the exploits and ultimately protect their network assets. Sprocket Security has been able to do just that through continuous testing and an open line of communication with expert testers during their remediation process.

"I get to work with Sprocket Security to help me identify the things that can be exploited, things that can have a direct impact on my network, and collaborate to provide solutions to resolve them and protect all of our network assets."
—Scott Noles, VP Information Security Officer, of Citizens Bank

Citizens Bank leverages Sprocket's Continuous Penetration Testing year in and year out to help secure the financial data of its customers.

Contact us for more information.