Log4j – What's Next?

The Log4j vulnerability has created havoc. The effects are serious. As we navigate the immediate and residual fall out, two important questions for non-security leaders to ask themselves are:

  • Will an event like this happen again?
  • How do we mitigate moving forward?

The first is obvious. Once this issue is resolved, there will be another. Maybe more damaging? Maybe even tomorrow?

As fast as your team can respond & patch, so too is the ‘bad actor’ community. It’s a race that we want you to win.

Testing 247365

Immediate discovery & testing is critical. Testing, remediating, and communicating with your current information tech team is what we do.

300+ Hours of Log4j Hunting and Testing

Our security team had logged over 300 hours of research, remediation, and communication to our partners from the moment log4j broke on Friday afternoon (12/10) to Monday morning (12/13)

Organizations need to assist their IT team with this new reality. We deploy both personnel & technologies not found anywhere else.

Reduce Time Exposure

Communicate with People (Not Machines)

As technical as log4j is – it was discovered by a person. The same is true with every cyber incident. Complex threats require precise communication to fix.

Your team has direct communication with live ethical hackers. Chat bots only delay your remediation.

Who Do You Call


Cyber risks are real. New vectors will be created. Cyber insurance risk transfer is changing. Test your network. Having a team in your network 24/7/365 makes business sense.